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3 CULPRITS, Laziness, Fear & Doubt, Book By Capt. Preetham Madhukar, Founder Skills Beyond Education Bangalore
3 Culprits

#1 on Amazon's Best Seller list! 

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You look around you, and you watch the people around you manifesting, living, breathing their dreams into reality…while you’re just…sitting there.

Same job. Same lackluster life…everything is so different from what you thought your life would look like when you were younger.


You wanted to be the life of the party, working a job that you actually enjoyed.


Happy. Healthy. Full of zeal and energy.


You wanted everyone to look up to you and say, “God, that person has everything figured out!” However, here you are, just wondering what went wrong with your life.


​If you’ve been waiting for THAT push…then it’s time for ACTION.


Introducing: 3 Culprits: Laziness, fear, and Doubt—A Full fledge, Doer’s Guide pushing you beyond your own blinding limitations.

Upcoming Book

This book is all about "How to grow your income 5X in less than 6 months without losing your Money, Sleep or Confidence."


A must read for coaches, trainers, consultants, solopreneurs, boot-strapped entrepreneurs and new age business owners


Preetham's workshops, programs and mentoring had high impact in people's life but struggled with low sales and low income for years due to poor positioning, poor offering and a poor sales process. In his new book, he shares all his secrets on how he turned his business around, from charging 10k to 1 lac per client and how he grew his team from 1 to 10.


This book is anyone who thinks they are offering massive value and yet they haven't been able to grow their income or business compared to the value they deliver to their clients.

How To Turn Your Business Around Book By Capt. Preetham Madhukar, Founder Skills Beyond Education Bangalore
Pursuit Of One Thing Book By Capt. Preetham Madhukar, Founder Skills Beyond Education Bangalore
Pursuit of One Thing

There are no shortcuts to success. You need to pursue your ONE-THING – relentlessly with Grit, Discipline and Focus.

We are living in a world with an abundance of information. This clutters our choices every day and we get easily distracted with things, activities or people. All of them want your most precious asset—Your time.

Pursuit of ONE-THING is the only way you can achieve any actual form of success. What's your goal or mission? Are you pursuing this relentlessly? If not then you need to build and strengthen your Will – meaning your GRIT, Discipline and Focus to achieve your success.

So, who’s stopping you from your success? Get insights into yourself to succeed in your pursuit.

StarGazing for Beginners Easy Guide To Get Started By Capt. Preetham Madhukar, Founder Skills Beyond Education Bangalore
Star Gazing for Beginners

Do you feel overwhelmed and intimidated learning about astronomy. You are not alone. Enjoy the simplicity, fun and joy of stargazing using naked eye viewing techniques of ancient travelers, sages and sailors. You only need to carry your eyes where ever you go.


A simple and easy guide for novices and beginners who want to enjoy sleeping under the night sky, stir up imagination, make up stories, have fun and bond looking at the wonders of our Universe.

  • *To learn simple, easy skills and techniques.

  • *To make it easy for anybody to stargaze.

  • *To make stargazing a fun and joyful experience

  • A practical and simple guide demystifying stargazing.

  • *Teaching you skills on how to use your eyes without gadgets, apps and telescopes.


Like our ancestors, we need to learn to lie outside our huts, caves and look up sometimes to enjoy the night sky for its own sake. Stargazing can make us feel hopeful, inspired and creative before we step further into the science behind it. 

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